Thursday, June 26, 2008

Please comment

Please comment on the songs. let me know what you think.

I'll Believe you when

This song is kinda one with just a catchy tune. I still like it quite a bit, at first it reminds me of a song from the 60's.

Washington Square

This one is probably my favorite so far. I really like counting crows for one thing, but i really like the mood it sets. I think that it is a song about change and about how life is one eternal round. 

Check it out

Viva la Vida

This one is called Viva la Vida. Im not sure what that means. the translator says "the life lives" so anyways, I like the string instruments in it. the only thing that i don't like about it is that it is overplayed on the radio and it kinda keeps you hanging like it is going to get faster, but it never does.


I like this one a lot because it has to do with never giving up. Listen closely to the lyrics. "you might be a big fish in a little pond, doesn't mean you've won"

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


This is a slower song. you gotta be in the mood. picture your on a slow drive driving through the woods in the fall back east with the leaves turning. This one you probably have never heard before. It is by Jeff Buckley. It isn't my favorite but i think that it is a good song. It has a very soothing sound to it and is kind of a feel gooder song. at the last of the song he holds out a note for about 30 seconds. thats kinda cool. Side note: some of the lyrics are kinda weird and be patient the intro is about 1 minute.

Stay Beautiful

You may have heard this one on the radio. I mostly like it because it has a catchy chorus. Other than that it is sort of the run of the mill song on the radio. you may have a different opinion. By the way the links to youtube are just for the music. If i were you i would just listen  to the song without the video. I think you would concur. 


I have already shown this one to Channie. I think you will like it. Jason Mraz and Colbie Caillat both have, in my opinion, amazing voices in this song.